Publication: Network meta-analysis comparing blood cardioplegia, Del Nido cardioplegia and custodiol cardioplegia in minimally invasive cardiac surgery

Network meta-analysis comparing blood
cardioplegia, Del Nido cardioplegia and
Custodiol cardioplegia in minimally
invasive cardiac surgery

Chan J, Oo S, Butt S, Benedetto U, Caputo M, Angelini GD, Vohra HA.


Perfusion. 2022 Feb 27:2676591221075522.


Minimally invasive cardiac surgery has been evolving, with the intention of reducing surgical trauma, improve cosmesis and patient satisfaction. Single dose, crystalloid cardioplegia such as Del Nido cardioplegia and Custodiol® solution have been increasingly used to reduce the interruption from repeating cardioplegia dosing to minimise the cardiopulmonary bypass and cross clamp time. However, the best cardioplegia for myocardial protection in adult minimally invasive cardiac surgery remains controversial. We aimed to conduct a meta-analysis to analyse the current evidence in the literature.