Literature Service 2023-03

Literature Service 2023-03:

Modern techniques of abdominal organ transplantation Part II

Dear friends and partners,

This is another summary of a Köhler Campus webinar. This time about

Modern techniques of abdominal organ transplantation Part II
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. Peter Schemmer, 18th April 2023

Why did I choose the presentation by Professor Schemmer? He summarized the protocols and methods used in organ perfusion of abdominal organs with a focus on liver transplantation.

The following topics were discussed:

  • Perfusion volume
  • The optimal temperature
  • Comparison between Custodiol® and UW solution
  • The relevant literature about using Custodiol® for liver preservation

These are some of our “hot topics” in the field of organ transplantation. Therefore, I hope that this literature service helps you to compete the challenges in the market.

Best regards,
