Inauguration of New Chinese Trade Name Marks Highlight of 1st KPCM in Hangzhou, China

Successful Inauguration of New Chinese Trade Name Marks Highlight of 1st Partner Communication Meeting of Koehler Pharmaceuticals (Beijing) Ltd. in Hangzhou, China

On April 25, 2023, the 1st KPBL Partner Communication Meeting took place in Hangzhou, China. The event brought together market partners from across the country and senior board members of Koehler Pharmaceuticals (Beijing) Ltd., creating an atmosphere of collaboration and communication. During the meeting, the management of Dr. Franz Köhler Chemie GmbH, which is associated with KPBL, recorded a video to introduce the factory's history and extend greetings to all attendees. This gesture aimed to strengthen the sense of connection and camaraderie among the participants.

The highlight of the event was the inauguration of a new Chinese trade name for Custodiol®: “康思德®”, which was officiated by Mike Hofmann, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Xiaomei Li, a member of the Board of Directors. This new trade name likely represented an important step in the company's expansion or localization efforts within the Chinese market.

Overall, the 1st KPCM appeared to be a successful gathering that allowed KPBL partners to come together, exchange ideas, and strengthen relationships. The presence of senior board members and the introduction of a new Chinese trade name showcased the company's commitment to growth and engagement with its partners in China.