Satellite Symposium: Mission (Im)Possible – Four Cornerstones for Success in Cardiac Surgery, in Milan Italy

Dr. Franz Köhler Chemie with pleasure announces its Satellite Symposium Mission (Im)Possible - Four Cornerstones for Success in Cardiac Surgery, held on the occasion of the 36th EACTS Annual Meeting (European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery) in Milan. 

For more information and to register visit

5th World-Wide-Partner-Meeting, in Athens Greece

Athens Athens, Greece

We are looking forward to meeting our international agents again. Our 5th World-Wide-Partner Meeting will take place in Athens this year. Thanks to our partner from Pharmapal for hosting the event.

5th Heart Team Winter Summit, in Zürs Austria

Austria Zürs, Austria

From 5-10 March 2023 Austria will sponsor the 5th Heart Team Winter Summit in the field of Cardiac Surgery in Zürs / Austria. The event is organizd by the Medical University Vienna, the Medical University Graz
as well as the Paracelsus Medical University Nuremberg.